Don’t worry, we’ve been asked everything.
DogTech® is one of Australia’s oldest, fully-accredited dog behavioural specialists. We’ve been helping dogs and their families for over 25 years.
Our WhisperWise® methodology helps you understand how dogs think and react, and how to communicate with them. Regardless of age, breed or temperament, DogTech® can overturn negative behaviours or stubborn traits with gentle instruction and guidance. We tailor programs around instinctive behaviours, communication, living environment, general obedience, nutrition and health care, providing effective, long-term results.
Obedience is simply teaching your dog a series of commands, but etiquette is about applying dog psychology to establish a positive relationship with the dog – so it alters its behaviour naturally. When your dog understands its place in the household it’s less stressed and you can achieve real harmony.
Some of the common ones include: Anxiety, territorial and anti-social actions | Improper excitement | General obedience | Excessive barking and digging | Problem chewing and other destructive conduct | Biting and aggression | Leash pulling | Inappropriate jumping and other disapproving traits | Firework and thunder sensitivity
Yes! With DogTech® in-home training we’re able to thoroughly address all of the factors affecting your dog’s behaviour. Each situation is individually assessed and a program is tailored to your dog’s needs and your family’s lifestyle.
The behaviours first become apparent in the home. Our dog behavioural specialists can address any underlying behavioural issues and external environmental influences. They’ll provide you with a set of techniques to create a stress-free environment.
Yes, you do, because as your dog’s pack leader, you’ll need to follow through with the recommended techniques. In fact, the more your entire household is involved, the more effective the results will be, because everyone’s behaviour with your dog will be consistent.
Don’t worry, because your trainer will be on call to help you re-establish your positive relationship and good behaviour. When you’ve done it once, it’s that much easier to do it again.