With the Summer holiday season nearly upon us, dog owners Australia wide will have more time to spend with their pets, exposing them to more environments. The seasonal period will also see many maintaining their homes, which could involve a garden makeover, adding more plants into backyard landscapes. But did you know that there’s a range of plants which thrive in Australia, which are extremely poisonous and toxic to dogs? If your pet ingests plants containing dangerous poisons or toxins, it could make them sick or even suffer significantly dire consequences. Find below some of the common toxic and poisonous plants to dogs.

Tulip/Narcissus Bulbs

A popular flower in many backyards, Tulips are a bright and colourful addition to the garden. But did you know that these are highly poisonous if ingested by your dog – and could have possibly fatal consequences. Although the most toxic part of the Tulip is the bulb, ingesting any part of this plant can be extremely dangerous for your dog. It’s best to think twice before planting tulips in the same backyard where your dog will play.
Watch out for: Loss of appetite, excessive drooling, diarrhoea, vomiting.

Tulip/Narcissus Bulbs


Rhododendrons are known for their beautiful bright purple and pink colours, and grow in a range of sizes, from miniature to tree sized. Highly prevalent on the east coast of Australia, Rhododendrons/Azaleas are often spotted in backyards. All parts of this plant are poisonous for dogs to ingest, and is considered an extremely toxic plant.
Watch out for: excessive drooling, seizures, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, vomiting and possibly collapsing


Commonly sold even by supermarkets, Cyclamens are both an indoor and outdoor plant and are seen often across Sydney due to the coastal climate. Known to brighten up gardens with beautiful flowers, Spring and Summer is the time that these plants are most widely available. The most toxins are often located in the roots of the Cyclamen, although all is considered to be toxic.
Watch out for: Vomiting, excessive drooling, diarrhoea, seizures

Sago Palm

Sago Palm

Very popular in Australian backyards which reside in cooler climates, the Sago Palm is often known as a landscape plant. Homeowners sometimes opt for these plants as they’re easy to grow, requiring minimal maintenance. This highly poisonous plant contains most of its toxins within its seeds, although ingesting any part of this plant is toxic to dogs.

Watch out for: Vomiting, diarrhoea, bruising, yellow skill tone, seizures

Autumn Crocus

Known for thriving in shadier regions, the Autumn Crocus is a white flower which is often used as a bordering plant in backyards. A mild to severe toxins for dogs, veterinary attention should be sought if any of this plant is ingested by your pet.
Watch out for: Excessive drooling, vomiting (possibly bloody), diarrhoea, shock symptoms

Autumn Crocus

Often dogs tend to stay away from plants which may be harmful to them, although you can never be too careful when it comes to exposing your pets to potentially dangerous substances. Summer is a great time for you and your dog to explore new places, spend more time outdoors, and complete that garden makeover, but be sure to keep an eye out and know your plants!

Find a list of plants which contain poisonous properties to pets here. If your dog does ingest these plants, be sure to seek veterinary attention immediately, and if possible bring a sample of the plant they ingested if you are unsure how serious the matter is.