Rescue Dogs
Understanding your dog’s past to make a happy future.
Creating a forever home.
There’s something special about a rescue or foster dog, especially when you first bond with it at the animal shelter. But when you bring your new canine friend home there can be a variety of challenges caused by its previous life.
Training A Rescue Dog
Some rescue dogs grow anxious or territorial despite your best intentions to nurture and provide them with a loving environment. Others may become aggressive when they’re trying to assert their place in your home.
Your dog may growl, snap or even bite you if you come too close when it’s eating. It might show signs of destructive behaviours or even disengage itself entirely from you and your family.
To understand these behaviours, we need to look at the dog’s history.
Many shelter dogs have had traumatic lives, and their emotions can trigger an assortment of complex behaviours.
No matter the circumstances, treating dogs humanely is the right thing to do. We’re committed to making your dog feel safe and secure after a lifetime of neglect. Together, we’ll create a happy and safe living environment.
Our dog behavioural specialists will help you understand how rescue dogs think and respond, and we’ll work on reversing any negative behaviours that could affect your bond with your new friend.
With the right rehabilitation program, your dog will become a loving member of your home and a wonderful companion.