News and wisdom for the dog obsessed.
Teaching an Old Puppy New Tricks
Have the weeks rolled by and all of a sudden you’re faced with a Puppy that’s close to 16 weeks? He starts moving into puppy adolesce and testing boundaries, but you can’t seem to [...]
5 Things to Know Before Bringing Home Your First Puppy
Routine interactions Puppies can be confused very quickly, which is why it is important that interactions with your new puppy are consistent and routine. It’s essential that all members of the family call the [...]
The Guide to Improving Your Dogs Diet
Your dog's diet is something that you should always be mindful of. Why? It has both long and short-term impacts on the health of your pet. Building a balanced diet is not something that [...]
7 Festive Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat
It's nearly that time of year again – when households around Australia are preparing for the festivities! From roast dinners and fresh seafood lunches to all the sweets and sides in-between, the holidays for [...]
Dog Training: Avoiding big problems with big dogs.
Proper dog training becomes even more important when you own a big breed of dog. Your cute puppy will quickly grow into a heavy object and a powerful force, so instilling good [...]
Plants that are poisonous and toxic to dogs
With the Summer holiday season nearly upon us, dog owners Australia wide will have more time to spend with their pets, exposing them to more environments. The seasonal period will also see many maintaining their [...]