The excitement and anticipation of bringing home a new puppy can be almost overwhelming! You have picked a new member of your home, bought a shiny collar and are thinking of the prefect name. But have you prepared for their actual arrival? The process of puppy proofing your home is like baby proofing before the arrival of a child. Bearing in mind a puppy can get into even more mischief, as they are far more curious.

Taking some time out and preparing your home for puppy is a critical step to settling them in and making sure the foundations are set for a successful transition.

Puppy settling is different to a puppy school. Our top tips for puppy proofing your home are:

Pick the Right Crate for Housebreaking

Picking the right crate is the second most important decision you can make in your housebreaking strategy (the first being – to use a crate!). You may be tempted to get a big crate for your dog to “grow into” but what you might find is that Puppy uses half as a bedroom and half as a bathroom! To avoid this, you should pick a Crate that is just big enough for puppy to stand up, turn around and lie down in.

Establish a Comfortable Place for Puppy to Sleep (and your bed is not it)

The best approach to establishing a night time routine for your puppy is to start how you want to proceed.

The best place for puppy to sleep is in a safe environment, out of cold draughts, and close enough that you can easily check on them. It is never a good idea to keep puppy in the garage. A towel or snuggle toy could also provide some comfort and reassurance.

Make sure you have a good selection of chew toys.

The right type of chew toy can prevent puppy from chewing the wrong things such as your belongings, help with the teething process and keep them occupied too. It’s a good idea to buy a few types and offer puppy a selection to keep them engaged.

Puppy Proof Dangerous and No Go Zones 

Think like a Puppy and sniff out danger! Have a look at what is at your Puppy’s level – are there electrical sockets, electrical wires, rusty nails or hazardous materials? Be sure to block off anything that a curious puppy might get into trouble with.

Also a Puppy shouldn’t be allowed access to steep stairs, gaps at the bottom of balconies or decks that drop off – think about investing in the right type of baby safety gates and pen or shade cloth to block off where Puppy could slip through.

Make sure anything potentially poisonous is securely locked away or out of reach, for example mothballs, rat poisons, snail bait and household cleaners. Make sure puppy cannot get access to any medications or vitamins.

Check inside your home and your Backyard for hazardous plants

Many common plants can be harmful to your puppy, and some that you wouldn’t expect like mother in law’s tongue, the seeds of apricots and peaches, as well as spinach and tomato vines. Make sure you research thoroughly and spend time checking your garden and in-home plants, getting familiar with the plants you have and then either removing or fencing in any risks.

Are you bringing a puppy home soon and want to make sure you are prepared? From feeding, to establishing safe free-time areas, to teaching young family members how to handle your puppy – DogTechcan help your family and puppy to have a safe and happy start to a lifelong relationship. Contact us for more information.